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Root Canal Treatment

Get information about root canal treatment with the explanation of specialist dentist Merve Özkan Akagündüz.

The most common reason for the need for root canal treatment is that the decay damages the pulp, which contains the vascular and nerve tissue of the tooth, as a result of leaving the decayed tooth in the mouth for a long time without treatment. Damaged pulp tissue must be removed in order to keep the tooth in the mouth. If root canal treatment is not applied to the tooth, the bacteria in the decay may spread and cause damage to the tissues around the tooth.

Another condition that requires root canal treatment is advanced gum diseases. A fracture in the tooth due to trauma or other reasons can also cause bacteria to easily reach the pulp and cause infection. High fillings or prostheses may cause repetitive trauma and require root canal treatment.

Why is a Root Canal Treatment Performed?

When decay progresses beyond the enamel and dentin tissues, bacteria infect the pulp tissue, which contains the tooth’s blood vessels and nerves. Infection in the pulp can cause pain while eating or spontaneously. The pain can become extremely severe, sometimes disrupting sleep at night. Infection in the pulp can spread to the root of the tooth, leading to swelling in the face, abscess formation, swelling in the gums, discoloration of the tooth, and tooth mobility. Antibiotics taken during this process do not have a curative effect. Treatment involves completely removing the decayed tissue and the affected pulp tissue, disinfecting the area to eliminate bacteria, and then filling and sealing the root canals with special filling materials. After a root canal treatment, the tooth is filled with a permanent filling. As a result, the tooth loses its vitality but can still function properly in the mouth.

Stages of Root Canal Treatment

  1. The tooth to be treated with a root canal is numbed with local anesthesia.
  2. After removing the decayed tissue, the pulp inside the canals is extracted.
  3. The canals inside the root are thoroughly washed and disinfected with various solutions.
  4. The canals are dried, and a special medication is placed inside them.
  5. The tooth is temporarily filled and sealed for a period.
  6. About a week later, the patient returns for a follow-up cleaning. If signs of infection are still present, the procedures are repeated, and the tooth is observed for a while longer.
  7. If the symptoms have improved and no signs of infection are found, the root canals are cleaned, dried, and filled with special canal filling materials.
  8. After completing the canal filling, the rest of the tooth is restored with permanent filling materials.
  9. If necessary, the patient may be called in for a follow-up appointment after the procedure. If there was an initial lesion at the root tip, periodic radiographic monitoring may be conducted to track healing progress.

Is There Pain During Root Canal Treatment?

One of the issues that patients are most concerned about is whether pain will occur during root canal treatment. It is very normal for these patients, who often go to the dentist due to severe pain due to deep caries, to be anxious.

Before starting root canal treatment, the area where the relevant tooth is located is anesthetized. For this reason, no pain is felt during the procedure. Although sometimes a slight pain is felt at some moments due to damaged nerves, this feeling can be eliminated with anesthesia administered from inside the tooth. In short, in today’s conditions, pain control during the procedure can be done effectively.

Root canal treatment is a tiring and difficult process for both the doctor and the patient. Carrying out this process meticulously and patiently and the success of the treatment also depend on the compliance of the patients.

Is the lifespan of a root canal treated tooth shortened?

The tooth that received root canal treatment is now a dead tooth. They do not have pulpal tissue like other healthy teeth. However, this does not cause a problem in the functions of the tooth. Loss of vitality of the tooth does not affect its life, and with correct and regular oral care, it can be used for a lifetime. Of course, failure of root canal treatment or lack of oral care by the patient may affect the life of the tooth.

What Determines the Success of Root Canal Treatment?

For root canal treatment to be successful, it is essential that all the necessary steps are followed. Since root canals are not directly visible areas, the treatment and procedural stages are not simple. It is recommended that they be performed by an experienced dentist.

To increase the success rate of the treatment, utilizing technology can be beneficial. The use of rotary instruments, apex locators (which find the narrowest point of the root tip), and radiographs is important.

Even if all the necessary steps for the treatment are performed meticulously, the success of the treatment is not guaranteed to be 100%. Variations in the root canals, the presence of lateral canals, and various anomalies can affect the success of the treatment.

Merve Özkan Akagündüz

I was born in Edirne in 1988. In 2007, I began my master’s degree in Dentistry at Istanbul University (Çapa) Faculty of Dentistry and graduated in 2012.

In 2014, I started my specialization in the Department of Orthodontics at Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry. In 2019, I earned the title of Orthodontist and was appointed to Çorlu ADSM, where I worked as an Orthodontic Specialist Dentist from 2019 to 2022.

As of 2024, I have been continuing my practice in my own clinic.

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