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Milk Tooth Extraction

Get information about Milk Tooth Extraction treatment with the explanation of Specialist Dentist Merve Özkan Akagündüz.

Korkusuzca diş hekimi koltuğuna oturan kız çocuğu. Muayene sonrası çürümüş dişini çektirecek.

Sometimes, although it is time for the permanent tooth to erupt, the permanent tooth may not be visible in the mouth. At that time, the presence of the permanent tooth, its eruption time and direction should be examined radiologically. Milk teeth continue to be replaced by permanent teeth until the age of 12-13. During this process, it is very important to see a dentist every 6 months.

In dentistry, extraction is our last choice, except for the extraction of milk teeth that are about to fall out. Decaying teeth are first tried to be kept in the mouth by filling or root canal treatment. If the treatment of the tooth is not possible, only then can the extraction of the tooth be considered. This is also valid for milk teeth.

For milk tooth extraction, local anesthesia is first applied to numb the tooth. After waiting for a certain period of time, the tooth can be extracted painlessly with special hand tools for milk teeth. The short roots of primary teeth do not pose a challenge to the dentist during extraction and are mostly very simple. After tooth extraction, the cotton pad placed in the extraction area should be bitten for about 20 minutes. Until the effect of anesthesia wears off, it is recommended that the child not eat to avoid biting his lip or cheek. For the first few days, very hot foods and drinks should be avoided for bleeding control purposes. Painkillers recommended by the doctor can be used. During this process, necessary attention should be paid to oral care. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day.

If the milk tooth had to be extracted before it fell out, applications called fixed or mobile space maintainers are needed to preserve the tooth space. Because in order to close the gap of the extracted tooth, the previously erupted permanent teeth slide towards the gap and start to displace the teeth that will come to that area. In this case, it alone paves the way for orthodontic problems.

Milk tooth extraction prices are much more economical because the complication rate is lower and it can be performed much easier and faster than permanent teeth. As long as it is compatible with the pediatrician. Because sometimes, it is not possible to perform any dental procedure in some children and additional procedures such as sedation or general anesthesia may be required. In such a case, the price of tooth extraction increases as hospital conditions are also affected.

Merve Özkan Akagündüz

I was born in Edirne in 1988. In 2007, I began my master’s degree in Dentistry at Istanbul University (Çapa) Faculty of Dentistry and graduated in 2012.

In 2014, I started my specialization in the Department of Orthodontics at Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry. In 2019, I earned the title of Orthodontist and was appointed to Çorlu ADSM, where I worked as an Orthodontic Specialist Dentist from 2019 to 2022.

As of 2024, I have been continuing my practice in my own clinic.

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