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Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial surgery is a medical specialty that covers surgical interventions in the mouth, jaw, face and neck area.

It is also known as oral surgery or oral surgery. This field of surgery addresses many conditions related to jaw bones, teeth, soft tissue, nerves, vessels, and other related structures.


Prosthetic dental treatment is a treatment method used in cases where teeth are missing or damaged. Prosthetic teeth replace natural teeth and provide aesthetics, functionality and comfort.


Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the proper positioning of teeth and jaws, correct adjustment of jaw relationships and appropriate development of the oral structure.

It generally deals with the methods used to correct tooth irregularities, gaps, crowding and incompatibilities in the jaw structure.


Pedodontics refers to the field of dentistry aimed at children. Pedodontics deals with protecting, treating and improving the oral and dental health of children in the age group from infancy to adolescence.

Pedodontists working in this field are dentists who have received special training in children’s dental and oral health problems.


Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the pulp (nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue), which is the inner part of the tooth. Endodontic treatment is generally applied to treat infections, inflammation or damage to the inside of the tooth.

The most common endodontic treatment is root canal treatment. During this procedure, the damaged or infected pulp from the inside of the tooth is removed, the vacated area is cleaned, shaped, disinfected and filled with filling material. This process protects the tooth, relieves pain and prevents tooth loss.


Restorative treatment is the general name of treatments performed to repair damaged, decayed, broken or lost parts of teeth and bring them back to a healthy state.

Restorative dentistry involves a variety of techniques to restore the structural integrity of teeth, restore their function and improve their aesthetic appearance.


Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that examines and treats the health of periodontal tissues (gums, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament), which are the supporting tissues surrounding the teeth and gums.

Periodontology focuses on diagnosing, treating and preventing gum disease. These diseases include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis (gum disease).

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